Disease of gum and bone tissues which form a tight functional unit can be considered as a widespread disease, which happens mostly to adult population. Inflammation of the structures that support the teeth (gum, system of film and fibre of root, bone) causes decay of tissues, and ligaments of teeth will become weaker. Factors of propensity to this disease are uncared teeth, bad oral hygiene, incorrectly performed fillings, implants, smoking and genetic susceptibility. Initial symptoms of the process: bleeding gums, bad breath, pain. In an advanced case: migration of teeth, moving teeth, gums pulling away from the teeth, painful pockets can be accompanying symptoms. Therapy has several steps, and its primary aim is to stop inflammation and the causes of the disease, and to maintain an inflammation free state. It can be reached by scraping off the tartar from below gum line, removing inflamed tissues from around the teeth, and having a perfect oral hygiene. Moving teeth are fixed, and put in splints, since increasing movement of the teeth damages state. In the regenerative phase of therapy, in many cases different bone replacement surgery can be necessary in order to reach a perfect aesthetic and functional reconstruction. Patients of this disease have to pay special attention to regular professional oral and restoration hygiene treatments, to regular control, and to having perfect individual oral care habits.