Its aim is to close structures of root canals of infected or dead teeth eliminating perfectly bacteria and any gaps. If this treatment is not successful, causative agents can multiply in these hollows, and a chronic inflammation can occur. Tooth can be a centre of bacteria for the human body, causing dermatological, articular and heart problems.
A 3-D X-ray CT is essential to establish an exact diagnosis, with the help of it we can explore anatomical details that could not be brought to light so far (number of root canals, their direction, extension of inflammations, their localization).
Area of tooth to be treated by root canal treatment and its surroundings are considered surgical area, for this reason for perfect sterility we use cofferdam in every case.
To make a perfect, hermetically filled root canal it is indispensable to know exactly the length of the root canal, that is why we use Apex locator (an electronic device to determine the length of the root canal).
Working in root canals is performed using the most modern nickel titanium tooth-drills, which are faster, most effective and safer than manual working. Depending on the case, different tooth filling techniques can be chosen, from the traditional technique of condensing vertically to the molecular Depothphorese root canal treatment using electrochemical method. Depothphorese treatment, with the help of iontophoresis delivers disinfectant in the root to that places, which we can not reach using root canal files. By this way it gives perfect and final solution in case of very infected, or inaccessible root canals.